Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fly Swatter - Stand for the Right

Here's the lesson plan for the first week of March. They will be learning Stand for the Right, but I will not be there that week either so here are my plans for my sub.

Fly Swatter Game - Stand for the Right

I’m sending you a flip chart of the words for this song. It’s very short and they should catch on pretty quickly. Sing through it once for them while showing the flip chart. Then have them sing with you a few lines at a time. Once they seem to have a little grasp on it move to the fly swatter activity.

I’m sending the White board to you. Use the Wet Erase markers to write the words to this song on the board. That way the words won’t get messed up when the kids smack them.

Tell the kids we’re going to sing through the song again but you need two helpers. Use popsicle sticks to choose two kids. Give each a fly swatter. (don’t worry they’re clean) Tell them that you’ll stop the singing some time during the song and they have to smack which ever word would have come next. Whose ever swatter is on the bottom wins. The other person picks someone else to challenge them. The “winner” only stays up 3 turns at most and then they have to pick someone else to play too.

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