Saturday, March 12, 2011

Stand for the Right - Review

This week I have a combined sharing and music time. I normally love this when the kids are learning a new song and I get lots of time to teach it to them. However, they learned the words to "Stand for the Right" last week with my substitute. To now I have 40 minutes to review a VERY short song. I still think the kids probably need a bit of review to cement this song in their memory so I need to get the creative juices flowing.

First I consulted the sharing time lesson plan, seeing as I am teaching sharing time as well. From there I decided I need to remember to emphasize the idea that the prophet speaks for the lord. I like the idea of using stories from the prophets to emphasize how they spoke for God and how they taught us to "be true, be true." (2011 March sharing time outline) I can't do the cute little prophet wheel because I don't have any brads. How lame is that!? so I'm putting the pictures and words in a binder and we'll just flip through.

So here's how it will go. I'll ask the kids what they learned last week in sharing time and music time. I'll let them know we are going to learn more about how the prophets speak for Heavenly Father and teach us to be true.

I'll shoe them a picture of Adam and ask them who it is. We'll sing the follow the prophet verse about Adam. I have the words next to the picture in the binder. Then I'll share the story in Moses 5:4-12 about how Adam did exactly what the Lord asked him too, even though he didn't understand why. We'll talk about how this relates to being true. Then we'll sing Stand for the Right. I think I'll take some instruments and pick 4-5 kids to play their instruments on "be true" to emphasize the message. Then I'll collect the instruments quickly and move to the next prophet.

I'll follow this pattern with each prophet using the following scriptures and stories for each prophet.

Genesis Chapters 6-8 : Noah was the only righteous man among all that wickedness. It couldn't have been easy to be so true when no one would listen to him and they laughed at him. It must have been strange to him to build a boat on dry land but he trusted the Lord and followed His commandments.

Exodus 3-4: Moses sees the burning bush and hears the Lord's commands for him. He is nervous because he doesn't speak well and thinks maybe the Lord should choose someone else. God reminds Moses that He created his mouth and He will tell him what to say. He even send Aaron to speak for Moses. Moses believes the Lord will help him free his people fro Egypt and he takes his family and goes to do the Lords commands. And, of course, we all know he was successful.

1 Samuel 3:1-10 : Samuel, just a little boy hears the lords voice and answers. He is the Lord's prophet and does as the Lords asks.

Daniel 6 : Daniel prays to the Lord and doesn't worship the king even though he knows it will get him killed. The Lord protects Daniel from the lions because of his faith.

For president Monson I will share the story from last month's Friend from the Prophet.

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