Are You Ready To Sing?
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Stand for the Right - Review
First I consulted the sharing time lesson plan, seeing as I am teaching sharing time as well. From there I decided I need to remember to emphasize the idea that the prophet speaks for the lord. I like the idea of using stories from the prophets to emphasize how they spoke for God and how they taught us to "be true, be true." (2011 March sharing time outline) I can't do the cute little prophet wheel because I don't have any brads. How lame is that!? so I'm putting the pictures and words in a binder and we'll just flip through.
So here's how it will go. I'll ask the kids what they learned last week in sharing time and music time. I'll let them know we are going to learn more about how the prophets speak for Heavenly Father and teach us to be true.
I'll shoe them a picture of Adam and ask them who it is. We'll sing the follow the prophet verse about Adam. I have the words next to the picture in the binder. Then I'll share the story in Moses 5:4-12 about how Adam did exactly what the Lord asked him too, even though he didn't understand why. We'll talk about how this relates to being true. Then we'll sing Stand for the Right. I think I'll take some instruments and pick 4-5 kids to play their instruments on "be true" to emphasize the message. Then I'll collect the instruments quickly and move to the next prophet.
I'll follow this pattern with each prophet using the following scriptures and stories for each prophet.
Genesis Chapters 6-8 : Noah was the only righteous man among all that wickedness. It couldn't have been easy to be so true when no one would listen to him and they laughed at him. It must have been strange to him to build a boat on dry land but he trusted the Lord and followed His commandments.
Exodus 3-4: Moses sees the burning bush and hears the Lord's commands for him. He is nervous because he doesn't speak well and thinks maybe the Lord should choose someone else. God reminds Moses that He created his mouth and He will tell him what to say. He even send Aaron to speak for Moses. Moses believes the Lord will help him free his people fro Egypt and he takes his family and goes to do the Lords commands. And, of course, we all know he was successful.
1 Samuel 3:1-10 : Samuel, just a little boy hears the lords voice and answers. He is the Lord's prophet and does as the Lords asks.
Daniel 6 : Daniel prays to the Lord and doesn't worship the king even though he knows it will get him killed. The Lord protects Daniel from the lions because of his faith.
For president Monson I will share the story from last month's Friend from the Prophet.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Fly Swatter - Stand for the Right
Fly Swatter Game - Stand for the Right
I’m sending you a flip chart of the words for this song. It’s very short and they should catch on pretty quickly. Sing through it once for them while showing the flip chart. Then have them sing with you a few lines at a time. Once they seem to have a little grasp on it move to the fly swatter activity.
I’m sending the White board to you. Use the Wet Erase markers to write the words to this song on the board. That way the words won’t get messed up when the kids smack them.
Tell the kids we’re going to sing through the song again but you need two helpers. Use popsicle sticks to choose two kids. Give each a fly swatter. (don’t worry they’re clean) Tell them that you’ll stop the singing some time during the song and they have to smack which ever word would have come next. Whose ever swatter is on the bottom wins. The other person picks someone else to challenge them. The “winner” only stays up 3 turns at most and then they have to pick someone else to play too.
Chair Hop
Chair Hop - Program review
I’m sending you a big blue Die. The kids can roll it to determine which song you are going to sing. Use the Popsicle sticks to choose a kid.
- If I listen With My Heart (IILWMH) vs 1
- IILWMY vs 2
- IILWMY vs 3
- Books in the Book of Mormon
- I Will Follow God’s Plan
- Wiggle Song
After a song is chosen tell them which word they are going to move chairs. Below is a list of ideas for each song for words. If just moving one chair over starts getting old you can make it more challenging by adding a spin before sitting or jumping 2 or three times. You get the idea. They don’t do the chair hop on the wiggle songs.
If I Listen With My Heart - Choose a few of the kids like Emma Maughn or Madeline Callis to help the other kids with the signs. If it seem to be too hard to do the signs and play chair hop they can not do them.
VS 1
- If
- I
- Hear & Listen
VS 2
- Savior, He, Christ (any reference to Jesus)
- I
- Prophet
Vs 3
- Spirit, Soul
- I
- Hear, Listen
Books in the Book of Mormon
- And Number (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th)
- Book
- On every book name
I Will Follow God’s Plan
- My
- Words beginning with “P”
- I, My, Me (any reference to self)
Wiggle Songs
- Snowman
- Head Shoulder’s Knees and Toes
- Hinges
Saturday, February 5, 2011
I Will Follow God's Plan For Me week 1
I'll ask them to imagine they are going on a trip to California. We'll get in our cars and start the engine. I'll tell them to start driving only there are a few problems. We don't have a map. How likely is it that we will get there? Not very. Then I'll bring out an atlas and we'll figure out a route to get there. We'll talk about how important it is to know how to get where we're going. We need a plan.
How many of you want to go back to live in Heaven with Heavenly Father? Does anyone have a map to Heaven?
Do you think Heavenly Father wants us to live with Him again? YES!
Do you think He would send us here and not give us a map to get home?
Heavenly Father’s map is just a little different than what we are used to seeing. What are some things that could be Heavenly Father’s Map?
Scriptures, which contain the commandments [show object or picture]
Following the living Prophet’s council
The Savior’s life is an example
Our parents teaching.
Heavenly Father has created a plan for all of us to get back to live with Him. It is called the Plan of Happiness. Heavenly Father presented us this plan when we lived in Heaven before we were born. We all heard the plan and chose to follow it! Talk briefly about what the Plan is. Us a diagram of the plan. We're going to learn a song that will help us remember what the Plan is so we can always remember how to get back home.
- I'm going to start with a wrapped present with a paper that says "My Life" inside. I'll tell them there is a really wonderful gift inside. It's something priceless that we all have. After they guess we'll unwrap the gift hang the sign on the board.
- I'll remind them that our life has a plan that Heavenly Father gave us. Move the Plan diagram next to the "MY LIFE" sign.
- Referring to the Plan diagram remind them we started in Heaven with Heavenly Father and all our brothers and sisters. Hang up a picture of stars and space dust from Gospel Picture book.
- Picture of earth
- Picture of Light and a Baby
- Map
- Little girl holding scriptures and rod
- Hammer, rake, dishes / person working
- Person praying
- person walking on a bright path
- Smiley face
- House in the clouds.
Friday, January 28, 2011
I Will Follow God's Plan For Me
For example I may use:
My life is a gift, my life has a plan, my life has a purpose in heaven it began
- a small wrapped gift
My choice was to come to this lovely home on earth, and seek for God's light to direct me from birth
- flashlight with picture of Christ taped to it
I will follow God's plan for me, holding fast to His word and His love
- scriptures
I will work, I will pray, I will always walk in His way
- pair of shoes
Then I will be happy on earth, and in my home above
- small globe or a toy house.
I think I may make a few changes for my primary. Rather than doing this hot and cold style I may actually hide all the items before Primary starts. Then I'll tell them the line of the song and we'll start singing while the searcher looks. I won't tell them what they are looking for just give them an example and have them look around and think about it. I'll let them have three guesses. I think I'll take my PIT bell and give them a good ding ding ding ding if they get it right. If they can't guess in three guesses it will be someone else's turn. I think this may work best in Senior primary
In Junior Primary I think I will just tell them what they are looking for as we learn each line. I don't know I may be underestimating them. They are pretty sharp.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
If I listen with my heart. 1st verse
Crossword Puzzle
I also had some letters circled in the puzzle. At the end the circled letters could be unscrambled to say Happy New Year.
I wasn't there last week and had a substitute do this activity with the kids. I'll find out tomorrow how it went.