Monday, May 24, 2010

Music ship

I read about this idea on I'm going to do it a tad different, but that lady is ingenious.

Our ward recently decided that on every 5th Sunday the priesthood is going to teach the last hour of Primary so we ladies can all go to Relief Society. Luckily my DH is incredibly musically talented and loves primary so it's easy to pick him as my male counterpart and send him all prepped and ready to go to Primary. They did this same thing on Mother's Day and he had a hard time due to lack of Young Men help (they were sent to "help" in primary too and weren't incredible supportive) and the craziness of having all the teachers gone. So this Sunday I want to plan something extra interesting and fun that will have the kids super engaged.

I just bought the biggest white board at Walmart and I'm itching to use it. I'm going to draw a battleship grip on it in Wet erase markers. Then I'll make out a small version on a piece of paper that I can plot out where the musicships are.

More details to come.

Hot Potato

Well yesterday was really fun in Primary. It was a review week for the song Choose The Right Way, but the game we played could be used to review any song.

We played a mix of Hot potato and Do you know the Lyrics. I borrowed the timer from my Mad Gab game. It worked really well because you can pick any length of time. A kitchen timer would work too. We set the timer and the pianist started playing. As long as the timer was going we were singing and passing the bean bag around the circle. Well the timer stopped, the music stopped, we stopped singing and whoever had the bean bag was on the spot. They had to say the next few words of the song. With Jr Primary I let teachers help them so they all did great. For Sr Primary they had to know the next 5 words and if they couldn't get it they had to stand in the middle of the circle for the next round. I also told them they had to sing while there or they'd be singing a solo. Everyone sang during the game because it was easier to keep track of where we were. Also for the last few rounds I let the Sr kids toss the bag across the circle, so long as it was gentle. I also made the rule you couldn't throw it to the person who threw it to you.

Everyone loved it. I was really surprised. Even the big kids were asking for "one more time" when I said it was time to quit.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Here goes nothing

Well I am a relatively new primary chorister, and I have been using ideas from blogs and forums for most of my singing times. What a blessing they have been to me. Some ideas work better than others. Also I modify a lot to fit my primary. Also I have to do things very differently for Jr and Sr primary. I hope I can write things down and help myself remember these things for future use. If anyone else finds this useful it will be an added bonus.